> . Today you can get a
> 120MB USB SuperDisk drive $150. This is about the cheapest we see audio
> MD recorders available today. Granted the SuperDrive media is about
> $10/each.

Hi Rick.  Why bother with either.  Although the initial investment may be a
little more, you can buy an internal CD writer (probably in the $200 to
$250 range for a decent one) and buy either CDRs (about 50 cents each-I
actually got a spindle of fifty 80 minute ones at Sears for $24.95) or for
about $2 you can buy a CDRW.

The disadvantage of the CDR is that it is a one shot deal if you need to
update the data on it once the disc is closed, you throw the old disk
away.  But you get about 650 MB on a standard disc.

The CDRW can be used just like a mini disc as far as rewriting goes, but
because of formatting, I think that it gets a little less then 600 MB.

Right now a so called CD "Burner" is probably the cheapest way to record in
terms of MBs per dollar.

If they come out with a way to get the price down on Compact Flash Cards
(at $80 for 32 MB I don't think that anyone is going to be buying them to
start building a music library) it would blow everything away.

The Smart Cards, Compact Flash or the new Sony stick are soooo fast.
SanDisk sells a little USB card reader and accessing files off of it is
instantaneous.  So I personally don't see an amazingly great future for the

It's unfortunate because I believe that the MD has so much over the CD.
Size, durability etc.  But flash memory has the MD beat in everything but
price.  Once they start making serious Mp3 recorders instead of those poor
audio quality Rio toys.

One last thought.  I always hear that they reason VHS won out over Beta was
because you could fit more time on a VHS cassette.  This was because the
VHS cassette was a little bigger and could hold more take than Beta.

I wonder if Sony had made the MD a little bigger and managed to get 74
minutes on it, uncompressed if that would have made a difference.


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