> I think it has more to do with the fact that Sony refused to license the
> format to othe vendors.  THe competitors all had to go with VHS, and
> since there was more VHS equipment than Beta, Beta lost out.  Same with
> Apple computers.
> Jim there were several other brand of Bata VCRs available.

Using your theory, MD should have caught on big.  We all know how good MD is and
here is a case where they did license it to others.

I have to agree with you that ATRAC (from version 3.5 or 4 up) is better sounding
then Mp3s.

Which brings me to another question.  Why can't they use ATRAC as a format for
downloading songs?  I'm assuming that ATRAC is pure software, but I'm probably
wrong and it is firmware, which means that you would need special hardware added
to your computer (or they could incorporate it into a sound card) into your
computer to handle ATRAC compression.

Take care,

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