Think you may like this...

"Good needs evil if it is to be able to manifest itself. Without evil, good
will go to sleep, because there is nothing left to stimulate it. Evil
excites good, stimulates good and good is then able to manifest itself. It
is thanks to evil that good is good. If ugliness did not exist we would not
know how beautiful beauty is. And in the same way, if there were no evil, we
would not know good.
If you want to annihilate evil, good will also be annihilated, because evil
is like the roots of good and if you pull out these roots, the tree dies. Of
course, this does not mean we should feed and strengthen evil. No, evil is
strong enough already; it does not need us. But neither should we try to get
rid of it, even if we could. What is important is to know which attitude to
adopt towards it so that we may use it."


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