On 14 Aug 00, Jeffrey Mclamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just purchased a Xitel DG1 USB->MD digital adapter as well.  It does
> everything it claims, automatically marking tracks, etc.  It's very dumb
> and very slick....except for one major problem which will force me to
> return it!

That problem you have sounds incredibly obnoxious.  I would be
interested in hearing of anybody using this device with Linux or
FreeBSD.  Anybody know if it can be done?

# Erik Arneson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   FC, Ashland Lodge #23, GL Oregon #
# GPG Key ID: 1024D/43AD6AB8          <URL:http://www.aarg.net/erik/> #
# "The worst wheel of a cart makes the most noise."   -- Ben Franklin #
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