Indeed it is obnoxious! :)  I dual-boot win2k and linux, but I have yet to
try it under linux...I doubt it will work because it is brand new and it
works by taking control of the audio device when it is plugged in.  As
soon as you unplug it, the sound card becomes the audio device
again...Since sound drivers, etc. are kernel options under linux, I would
imagine there would have to be some module support so that the current
soundcard module could be dynamically unloaded when the device is plugged
in and loaded back when unplugged...

All of this is a moot point though, because the DG1 seems to have a
serious flaw that renders it practically worthless...

Xitel does have the AN1, the analog version, which provides "equivalent
fidelity" (according to Xitel Tech Support) and it won't any audio...of
course, you'll have to do track marking yourself.


On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Erik Arneson wrote:

> On 14 Aug 00, Jeffrey Mclamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just purchased a Xitel DG1 USB->MD digital adapter as well.  It does
> > everything it claims, automatically marking tracks, etc.  It's very dumb
> > and very slick....except for one major problem which will force me to
> > return it!
> That problem you have sounds incredibly obnoxious.  I would be
> interested in hearing of anybody using this device with Linux or
> FreeBSD.  Anybody know if it can be done?
> -- 
> # Erik Arneson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   FC, Ashland Lodge #23, GL Oregon #
> # GPG Key ID: 1024D/43AD6AB8          <URL:> #
> # "The worst wheel of a cart makes the most noise."   -- Ben Franklin #
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