From: "Ian Horsey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- "David W. Tamkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
> > If I buy the 640 but the 940 sounds better, I might say "darn."
> > Not even
> > "damn," just "darn" if even that.  However, the 940 owner may cry
> > when I tell
> > him/her how much less my 640 weighs and how much less electricity
> > it uses.
> > (The kwh are very expensive here.)

> Out of curiosity, how much power do the 940 and 640 consume, and how
> much is a kWh where you are?
> Ian

Someone said the 940 is stated as using 12W against the 640 using 9W
of power.

Northern Electric charge me 7.78 uk pence per KWh during the day and
2.42 uk pence per KWh between 0000-0700 UTC (7 hours cheaper rate).
Both prices are including vat, ie the total amount I pay.

So if I kept the 940 on 24hrs a day, it would cost a (not so grand)
total of 1.79 pence per day, or to put it in perspective if I left it
on 24x7 365 days a year, the year's electricity would amount to ukp6.50
or about US$10.  I generally find power consumption figures are higher
than actual consumption so something like US$6-8 would likely be closer.
And remember thats 24x7 all year.  You could always turn it off :-)

I too would be interested in knowing how much peeps in other countries
are charged for electricity.


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