But the post to follow is about MD (still may be boring-I was going to put it
at the end of this to keep on topic, but I realized that would make this crap
even longer and some people might have a tiny interest in my MD post).

> Narcissitic self-destruction, morbid curiousity, boredom, ego...
> Any or all of the above.
> My assertation that it is a waste of time, doesn't necessarily preclude me
> contributing to this waste of time. I see it for what it is, that's all.
> There's plenty of other things in my life that I would probably analyse as
> being futile, too.
> Out of interest, why are *you* so committed to the argument?

Bored, avoiding things I should be doing, etc. (LOL).

If you want a serious answer, (I really wish that you didn't ask, now I'm
getting on a soap box) I see people who can't afford to buy the necessary
prescription drugs they need because of the unequal distribution of wealth.  I
see kids who are in their teens and can't read while Mark McGuire hit so many
home runs one year they are throwing money at him.

And on and on.  I realize that a pure socialistic society doesn't work.  I'm
not a socialist.  I'd just like to see some of the billions of dollars that
people earn (often because of nothing more than luck) be used to solve some of
the problems that money can solve.

When I was in college I was stupid enough to believe that if you invested
enough money into find a cure for a disease, you would.  There is a lot more
than money involved, unfortunately.  But not investing the money is almost a
guaranty that we are not going to solve the answers to these problems.

There are many problems in our society that can be solved by education.  We
need really good, well trained teachers for that.  Teaching (to be a great
one) like everything else such as an artist, requires certain skills that you
are either born with or you just don't have.  If you don't have the innate
skill and passion to teach, at best you will be a so, so teacher.

But most of us are guilty of following the money.  No, guilty is the wrong
word.  If you are willing to work hard, you deserve to be allowed to "play"
hard too and make a good living.  When someone graduates from college with a
straight "A' average and has the inborn skill and passion to teach, then finds
that the best they can do is $12,000.00 a year (I'm not making this up!!),
something is very wrong with the values of our society.

I warned to to press delete.

Have a great weekend,


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