Larry wrote,

| I prefer slot in, but I always have this fear that some day I'm going to
| have an Md eaten.
| This actually happened to me with the original Sony MZ-1.

It happened to me with an MDS-JE510.  Slot-in fans are welcome to their
opinion, but they'll never win me over.

| It was under warranty, but it still took Sony
| forever to get it back to me.  When they finally did, it would not
| record (I didn't have that problem when it was sent in!!).

Best Buy got it back to me promptly, but they had only removed the disc but
and bothered to fix the problem.  That took another repair, and when it came
back, oh, it recorded, but it would not play back what it had just recorded
and it zeroed every TOC it rewrote.  I had no means to recover a TOC at the
time, and the 510 had zapped a compilation disc of twenty-two CD tracks
(thank goodness it wasn't a disc of concert recordings or radio dubs).
Thinking hard, I remembered twenty-one of them, but the twenty-second eluded
me.  MD-L archives will show the frantic post I made here on February 10,
1998, asking if anyone in my vicinity had a unit that could clone TOCs so
that I could at least play through the disc and write down all the song
titles.  But after a few hours I recalled a clue to the twenty-second song
and figured it out.  I rerecorded all twenty-two on my JE500.

So it went back, and in the end the three repairs totaled about 2 1/2 months,

| In all it took me about 2 and a half months to finally get the unit back.

... just as with Larry's MZ-1.

| But it worked from then on.

Great for Larry, but my 510 later had two bouts with the turn-on bug; when it
got the proteced bug, Best Buy lemoned it out.  An external Iomega ZIPCD CDR
drive sits atop my CPU case now, paid for by the lemon credit from that 510,
because Best Buy no longer carried any MD units I wanted.

[During that triple repair Wards collected the 510s that Lechmere was liqui-
dating and sold them for $199.99, an unheard of price for an MD deck at the
time.  I got in on a double 10% discount and snagged one for $161.99 (10% off
$199.99 is $179.99, and 10% off $179.99 is $161.99).  Of course it developed
the turn-on bug, and of the two 510s it was rare for me to have both out of
the shop and with me at home at the same time.  When that one got the bug the
second time, Wards lemoned it out instead of waiting for a fifth repair, and
they gave me credit toward a 520, which works to this day, kenahorra.  I get
more pleasure from the JE520 than from the ZIPCD drive.]

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