I vaguely recall reading on this list about problems with the DG1 and the
MZ-R50.  Unfortunately, I can't remember any specifics.  Has anyone here
tried the DG1 with an MZ-R50?  I'd rather not buy one if it won't work
with the only piece of MD equipment that I own.

> The big advantage when recording MP3 is because you can adjust the recording
> volume (MP3 files are very various, like CD of course...). So, now I can do
> any music mix I want from MP3 to MD with an equal sound everytime... Also
> the very big advantage is the difference of price (nearly $30 difference
> between each other).

I will admit that the price difference is a big advantage between the two,
however I have to disagree with the ability to adjust the recording level
as being a major selling point.  I found a WinAmp plugin called
AudioStocker that automatically adjusts the output level so that
everything is equal between songs and within a song.  Granted, this does
ruin certain effects in songs, like songs that have a very soft intro or
get progressively louder (Silent Lucidity comes to mind).

I don't find this to be a problem when I'm making a disc for use when I'm
walking or biking, but it would be a problem if I were making a disc where
I want to appreciate every nuance of the music.

-- Dave Kimmel
   ICQ: 5615049 

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