Do you have a link for this plug-in ? It could be useful...

However, for me, the nuance and effects of songs are really important for

I have two MD Port here (the DG1 and AN1) I made some tests, and some blind
tests and the difference of sound is really hard to hear for MP3 music.

I prefer personally to keep original effect and nuances and change the
volume manually when I record a MD. So for me, this is a convincing element.

So, if you have any question for these Xitel MD Port, simply email me at

I heard a lot problems with the DG1 and nothing with the AN1. The AN1 is
more universal. The DG1 have some problem with timing (1 second late to
start with some units). However, I like these 2 units very much and will be
proud to sell them soon...

I used these units since a few month with my Sharp MS-722 and Sony MZR-37
and everything's perfect !



I vaguely recall reading on this list about problems with the DG1 and the
MZ-R50.  Unfortunately, I can't remember any specifics.  Has anyone here
tried the DG1 with an MZ-R50?  I'd rather not buy one if it won't work
with the only piece of MD equipment that I own.

I will admit that the price difference is a big advantage between the two,
however I have to disagree with the ability to adjust the recording level
as being a major selling point.  I found a WinAmp plugin called
AudioStocker that automatically adjusts the output level so that
everything is equal between songs and within a song.  Granted, this does
ruin certain effects in songs, like songs that have a very soft intro or
get progressively louder (Silent Lucidity comes to mind).

I don't find this to be a problem when I'm making a disc for use when I'm
walking or biking, but it would be a problem if I were making a disc where
I want to appreciate every nuance of the music.

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