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<tt>This is actually 2 emails in one.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>First.&nbsp; Has anyone found that the "shelf life" of Li Ion batteries
stinks?&nbsp; Maybe they can be lighter and go longer between a charge,
but in a year or two they often seem to hold only a very short charge.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>Not sure if the NiMHs are any better.&nbsp; I know one thing, most
rechargeable batteries don't hold the charge very long if they are sitting
<p><tt>But I have had Ni Cads that are 10 years old and will still hold
a charge (although probably only a fraction of the original length).</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>And why can't they make a 1.5 volt NiMH or Ni Cad instead of only
1.2?&nbsp; Surprisingly, although their shelf life is great, Alkalines
stink in digital cameras.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>Part 2.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>Do other people find engine noise problems if they connect their
portable to the cigarette lighter adapter?&nbsp; I have found this on every
single MD and CD player I have tried.&nbsp; And in every car too.</tt><tt></tt>
<p><tt>I always use an AA battery pack rather than the AC adapter.&nbsp;
My old Denon 70 (Sharp MS200 clone) has a 6 AA battery pack.&nbsp; But
it has them running parallel.&nbsp; The unit was not designed to deal with
9 volts.</tt><tt></tt>

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