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> J. Coon" wrote:
> > I think you are short sighted.  MD has more uses than just copying CDs.
> >
> > 1.  It is a learning tool for students.
> >         a. Take it to a lecture and record it with a microphone.
> >         b. have a friend take it to a lecture if you have a hangover and need
> > to sleep it off.
> >         c. Take it to a jam session to record new tunes tol learn
> > 2. It is a practice aid.
> >         a. Record a tune you are learning, and play along with it.
> >         b. set it to repeat problem sections of a tune so you can hear it and
> > practice that section.
> >         c. Record a band practice so you can play along with it later.
> >
> > 3. It is a cheap way to make a demo CD.
> >         a. Record your band on MD, edit out the mistakes and talking and dump
> > it to a computer CDROM.
> >         b. Use the time and date stamp to see how long the cut will be.
> >
> > 4.  It is a way to improve performances.
> >         a. Record the performance and listen to it afterwards.
> >         b. Record the tunes at a practice, and use the time/date stamp to see
> > how many tunes you need for a   gig.
> > 5.  It is a way to prepare a presentation.
> >         a. record your presentation and play it back tosee what needs to be
> > improved.
> > 5.  It is a way to record business meetings.
> >         a. set it on the conference table with a mike and if you use one with
> > time and dates stamping you know        when it was recorded.
> > 6.  Use it to master a CD
> >         a> more than one CD has used a minidisc recorder to produce all are
> > part of it.
> > 7.  Use it for a guided tour.
> >         A. record details on certain parts of the tour. play back that track
> > when the bus gets to that site.
> > 8.  Use it for a back up band for a low paying gig.
> >
> Yes,
> All of the above are true, but a cassette would do fine for many of your choices at
> a much lower cost.
> I was thinking of the most common use for the largest number of people.
> I was lucky enough to snag a couple of tickets to the Elton John concert held in my
> little sh!t hole town last Wed.  He recorded a live greatest hits lp at Madison
> Square Garden this weekend.
> He wanted to try everything out an a smaller audience before the big gig.  I
> thought of bringing in my Aiwa F70 with it's little tie pin stereo mike.  I was
> afraid they would check.  Also, I thought that it would not pick up the sound.
> What I schmuck I was.  No checking not at our new arena.  Also, they played so loud
> that I would have picked up every note.  Screwed up again.  I'll bet it would have
> sounded half decent (although I was on the side so forget stereo-anyway the sound
> was so loud you can forget stereo again.
> Fantastic concert!!!!  I just lucked out on how I managed to get the tickets.
> Usually don't have that kind of luck (I'd rather have all my kids, wife and friends
> healthy than that kind of luck if I ain't have both).
> Larry
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