Well everyone -- I think we're fighting a losing battle. While I
personally love MD, I think it's dying out here in the US. The manufacturers
didn't do enough in the advertising department to begin with, and now many
manufacturers are pulling out of MD all together! Can you believe blank
cassettes STILL out-sell MD's and even CD-R's ??? Don't these people realize
that MD is the ONLY replacement for cassette because of the ease-of-use and
re-recordability?? (But all of us know that already.)
    Anyhow -- I went to BestBuy last week. Their MD equipment line has been
reduced to practically nothing. I saw a couple of Sony MD bundles and a
Sharp portable.. THAT'S IT!!  I was very disappointed, and decided to just
buy blanks and a new MD wallet. Walked to the aisle with blank CD's and
cassettes and there they were: A VERY SMALL and OVERPRICED selection of
blank MiniDiscs. I just bought a 10-pack and went searchng for the wallet.
    It seems that Best Buy was out of stock of the MD wallets... And had
been for 5 months. They never re-ordered them. I asked if I could make an
order request if I purchased so many of the wallets, and they told me: " All
re-stocking is computer generated. The computer hasn't re-ordered the
wallets, and I don't know when we're getting any more in.."  That's it !!!
    This is so bloody ridiculous!! MD is far better than CD-R or CD-RW! Now
there are NO stores in the Albany, NY area that carry a good selection!!
Should I give up on the format or what? I don't want to, because it's so
handy to have a portable digital recorder.. BUT what can I do if they stop
selling the good stuff??
    Anyone else having this problem??

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