Stainless Steel Rat wrote:

> Exactly.  The trick is to use phase inversion to matrix multiple audio
> tracks together.  Which sounds (heh) like it shouldn't work, but it does
> when done right.

Many years ago before I owned a Pro logic receiver, I took the right + from the
RT front speaker and sent it the Rt+ on a rear speaker I then took the Left + did
the same with a rear left speaker and connected the - of the two speakers

We used to refer to this a "hot wiring".  Surprising (although you could not
control the volume of the rear speakers with my set up) the results were often
very pleasing.  I don't know if what came out of the back was supposed to be
there, but it sounded good.

I was especially impressed with the movie "The Last Star Fighter".  I had some
friends over one night to show the movie and they enjoy it so that they applauded
at the end!

Now eventually I got my Pro logic receiver.  The first movie I went to see was of
course "The Last Star Fighter".  When I listened, I actually thought that I liked
the way my hot wired version sounded.

Hot wiring can add a nice effect to music also.  In theory it is supposed to give
you the "ambient sound" which they claim is present on all stereo recordings.

There is so much that you can play with when it comes to sound.  In my humble
opinion, much more than video.  For video you want a sharp picture with good
color reproduction and as much detail as possible.

Grass should look like blades of grass.  Not a green blur.  Some people might
like there picture a little more color intense, more "vivid", more blue, more
red, etc.  But these are all minor things when compared to sound.

Carver of Carver electronics once noticed what he felt was a marked improvement
in the sound while he had his fire place going.  He experimented and added a
circuit to some of his equipment that infused that background sound into the

I can't remember what he called it.  But since you don't see it as an option on
equipment today, I guess other people's ears did not enjoy it like his did.

But for all of the advances in home audio, in my humble opinion, stereo was the

It created the "WOW!" factor when listening to music.


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