> * A salesperson told me that you can listen to what you're recording using
> headphones. That's a great feature. Is it true?

Of course it's true!

> * I will need to download the audio to my computer for sync with visuals
> and post-production tinkering. Is this possible? I have a relatively new
> computer (PII) and a soundcard (audio sonique, I believe). What cables or
> adaptors will I be needing?

1.  You can 'sample' the audio using a standard audio cable, with stereo
3.5mm (1/8 in) jack at one end for the MZR70, and suitable connectors for
your soundcard at the other end (eg, same, or perhaps dual RCA connectors. I
confess to not knowing your soundcard model).  Benefits - cheap and easy.
Disadvantages -  Not GREAT sound quality - unless you use really good
quality cable and your soundcard has superior analogue components

2.  You could (provided your soundcard is suitably equipped) use a digital
optical link between minidisc and your computer. Benefits - bit-perfect
copies of the MD audio transferred to your computer.
Disadvantages -  You need an optical digital module for your soundcard if
you don't already have one - this gives you an optical digital input into
your computer;  the MZR70 doesn't have an optical digital output (most
PORTABLE md units dont) and so you would probably need to get a separate MD
deck (hifi component) that DOES have optical digital output.

> * I'll be needing both an omni and unidirectional mic. Is it worth buying
> the standard Sony MD mics (not sure of code but retail for about A$150)?
> Will many other mics connect to the unit?

I believe all "plug-in-power" mics with 3.5mm jack plugs will work with the
MZR70.  I don't own any however so I can't recommend what kind to get.

> I really appreciate the help, and please forgive the newbieness of these
> questions, its just that salespeople no helpy :(

Ain't that always the way?

> Paul McDonald


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