Ämne:                                    Tid:14.11
   MEDDELANDE          Re: Discussions - Why?
                                                             Datum: 1-02-19
Aye, I'm aware of all of that. But I fail to see the point of discussing something 
which in the end is something subjective. I mean, discussing if circuit city or Best 
buy are cutting down on their MD section without any facts, thats just guessing, 
nothing else.

/Markus - who is clearly irritated today...
Markus Laurin 
administrativ assistent   
Tel: 031 - 17 75 00
Mobil: 0706 - 35 65 57

J. Coon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev (måndag 19 februari 2001):
>People are just trying to talk about the pros and cons of minidisc vrs.
>other recording media.  That is what this list as all about IMHO,.... to
>pose questions and get discussion on them.  If yoiu are having trouble
>with such a larg amount of email, you should set up filters and filter
>all of the MD email intoa separate folder automatically.  Then you can
>sort that  folder by subject matter and all the email for a subject will
>be together and if you want to read it, you can read everything on the
>topic at once.  If you don't want to read it, you can highlight all of
>them and delete them all at once.  
>Now, I realize that this doesn't work on all platforms, but it works on
>most of them.
>Markus Laurin wrote:
>>                        Ämne:                                    Tid:11.38
>>    MEDDELANDE          Discussions - Why?
>>                                                              Datum: 1-02-19
>> MD - Mp3, CD-R - MD or
>> Why all discussions? What are you hoping to gain?
>> I can understand someone wanting to know something, facts
>about atrac or whatever, but these endless discussions that
>give me over 100 new mails in just one day, debating the
>benefits of MD over Mp3, or if Sony is better than Aiwa or
>Sharp. Whats the use? If you should talk to someone, talk to
>sony directly. Or mail Circuit city and ask them about their
>plans for the MD format. It seems to me that you are preaching
>to the already enlightened, are you not?
>> /Markus
>> --
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Markus Laurin
>> administrativ assistent
>> Tel: 031 - 17 75 00
>> Mobil: 0706 - 35 65 57
>>                --------------------------------------
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
>> "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Jim Coon
>Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
>If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?
>My first web page  
>To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
>"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To stop getting this list send a message containing just the word
"unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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