Ämne:                                    Tid:15.15
   MEDDELANDE          Re: Discussions - Why?
                                                             Datum: 1-02-19
If... a lot of people do that, go to CC, then its a good thing. Consumer power, in 
sorts. But if all people do is discuss it on the list, then its a bad thing, because 
all that talk won't get you anywhere, or will it?

Stainless Steel Rat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev (måndag 19 februari 2001):
>* Markus Laurin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  on Mon, 19 Feb 2001
>| Aye, I'm aware of all of that. But I fail to see the point of discussing
>| something which in the end is something subjective. I mean, discussing if
>| circuit city or Best buy are cutting down on their MD section without any
>| facts, thats just guessing, nothing else.
>What is wrong with speculation?
>What is wrong with knowing that "rumor has it" so that you can go to Best
>Buy and Circuit City and let them know that as a customer you are unhappy
>with any decision to drop MD.  You see, rumor or not, if a lot of people do
>that -- and actually buy stuff there -- then maybe they will
>Why do you think that is a bad thing?
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