On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 10:43:24 -0600 (CST), "David W. Tamkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>so what
>you're recording must be longer than 2h40m but not no longer than 5h20m

That's correct.  Specifically two 2-hour programs (Diane Ream) on successive
days ... otherwise when I'm at home between programs I can just record in mono
mode as you suggested (and I do).

>set the timer for
>the 940 to take over (also in SP mono) when the R50's disc is about to fill,
>and get the recording in SP mono across two discs, which the R50 or the E40
>could play with no problem.

Yes, that's an interesting suggestion.  I could purchase another Radio Shack
timer and put the R50 on this ... ah, but nothing I see in the manual about time
recording for the R50.  Rats, if only the 510 sitting on my self was working
(but if it was I would not have the 940!).  Otherwise I cannot split this way as
the show comes on about 2 hours after I would turn the R50 on ... I would get 40
minutes of it only.

Still, an interesting suggestion.


-jts <Arlington, TX>

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