> ---
> Mike Lastucka, B. Tech
> >Does anyone have any experience with these types of MD's? I'm sure I
> >remember seeing somewhere that Memorex weren't that great, but it might
> >have
> >been Maxell ones (plastic shutters). I haven't seen anything about Verbs
> >though, whats the verdict?
> >

I have never seen Verbatim MD's  Unlike MDs I have found that the quality of
CDRs can vary greatly.  Surprisingly, I was disappointed with some of the
Vertamim CDRs that I bought.

As for Memorex, I haven't checked out recent batches.  But All of the Memorex
blanks that I have personally ever seen or owned were actually made by the same
company that makes High Space.

I never had any problem with either Memorex or High (or is it just Hi??  I have
loads of their blanks, but I'm too lazy to get up and check) Space.  The first
clue that Memorex was manufactured by what ever their initials (IOP???, no
that's not it) was when I noticed that the Memorex blanks said they were made
in France.

At that time the only country that I knew of that manufactured MDs was Japan.
We were approached to by Hi Space's sales manager (at that time I thought it
was his company since he was French and that's were the discs were
manufactured-But he may actually be French Canadian.  He told me the name of
the family that owns the company, but it didn't sink in).

Years later I got him to admit that Hi Space manufactured Memorex blanks.  I
had known from the get go that they manufactured for a "brand" name as well as
Hi Space.  He told us that immediately.

I wanted a price from him that was even lower than the lowest price we were
paying because I had heard some negative things about Hi Space blanks.  As it
turns out, I find them to be as good as anything else.

It isn't their blanks, but the storage cases (not the individual cases, the
ones that hold multiple discs) that are crap.  It is just about impossible to
get an order where the cases are not cracked.  The person whom I bought the Hi
Space from told me that they were terrible to deal with.  They wouldn't take
back anything!

I think it comes down to your philosophy on blanks.  Some people do not care
about the packaging.  They feel all of the discs are good and say that you
should by the least expensive ones you can find.

Then there are people who have some preferences.  The last group are very
specific about exactly what they want in their blanks, the color, whether they
are transparent or not, the labels and slip case to look like.  These people
are willing to pay extra to get just what they want.

Sony kind of fooled themselves with their ES series.  Except that they are
white, there is no difference between them and their other blanks.  But Sony
charged extra for them.  The Japanese consumers are probably smarter than us in
the US.  Most did not buy into the bull.

I remember a dealer that was sending the ES blanks as their "stock brand" for a
while.  Someone unloaded a bunch of these blanks on the distributor in Japan
and he sold them at the lowest price he sold blanks for.  But once they were
gone, they were gone.


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