Hi las,

> > >Does anyone have any experience with these types of MD's? I'm sure I
> > >remember seeing somewhere that Memorex weren't that great, but it might
> > >have
> > >been Maxell ones (plastic shutters). I haven't seen anything about Verbs
> > >though, whats the verdict?

> I have never seen Verbatim MD's  Unlike MDs I have found that the quality of
> CDRs can vary greatly.  Surprisingly, I was disappointed with some of the
> Vertamim CDRs that I bought.

I agree with you on this, even though they are sold within the price range
of supposedly good brands, I prefer cheaper CDs like Princo or Intenso.

> I never had any problem with either Memorex or High (or is it just Hi??  I have
> loads of their blanks, but I'm too lazy to get up and check) Space.  The first

Hi-Space :)

> clue that Memorex was manufactured by what ever their initials (IOP???, no
> that's not it) was when I noticed that the Memorex blanks said they were made
> in France.

> At that time the only country that I knew of that manufactured MDs was Japan.
> We were approached to by Hi Space's sales manager (at that time I thought it
> was his company since he was French and that's were the discs were
> manufactured-But he may actually be French Canadian.  He told me the name of
> the family that owns the company, but it didn't sink in).

> Years later I got him to admit that Hi Space manufactured Memorex blanks.  I
> had known from the get go that they manufactured for a "brand" name as well as
> Hi Space.  He told us that immediately.

Should I guess that the MDs sold under the FNAC brand (FNAC is an important
French chain store selling electronics, books, CDs, DVDs, videos, and so on,
which is also present in Spain)? I was going to post a message about this,
as I found them last week when I was checking MDs prices on the nearest FNAC.

Portables were not cheap at all, but it was curious to see FNAC-branded
boxes of 25 MDs for around $2 each, which here is a good price for blanks.

> I think it comes down to your philosophy on blanks.  Some people do not care
> about the packaging.  They feel all of the discs are good and say that you
> should by the least expensive ones you can find.

> Then there are people who have some preferences.  The last group are very
> specific about exactly what they want in their blanks, the color, whether they
> are transparent or not, the labels and slip case to look like.  These people
> are willing to pay extra to get just what they want.

I have no special preferences. However, I can't stand some blanks. For no
special reason, I just don't like them. Although, again, it is for the packaging.

Best regards,
 Javier Marcet                     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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