Well, I've had my first ever MD player/recorder for a few days now.  I was
in a pretty big hurry to get it my hands for a looong motorcycle trip I
took this past weekend and I wanted the tunes to keep me company.  That
didn't work out so well, unfortunately.  Not enough volume, and the
speakers I bought for my helmet pressed against my ears causing pretty
intense pain.  Next up is a pair of those Koss in-ear types.

Anyway, I'm fairly impressed with the technology and the device itself.
I'm not much of an audiophile, and I don't find the compression of LP4 to
be offensive, but it is noticable with the headphones that came with the
unit and another cheap ($30) pair of Sony headphones I have at work (which
also crush my head; do I just have sensitive ears?).  I'm primarily
recording MP3s I've previously encoded using grip and bladeenc under
Linux.  I'm encoding the MP3s at 160kbps, which I think is a pretty good
compromise between space and quality.  I'm using the Xitel DG2 under
RedHat Linux 7.1 with very good results.  I was pleaseantly surprised to
find that the mixer functions do nothing at all, so I don't have to worry
about having them set any one way and can record at work and at home
without that inconvenience.

XMMS does an excellent job decoding the MP3s, and even without the two
second gap, the recorder inserts trackmarks.  That seems kind of strange,
from what I've read here, but I'm not really complaining.  What I've
discovered, in editing the mix I made earlier today, is that the
trackmarks aren't exact; I'll likely go back to a 1 or 2 second pause,
although that seems to introduce double trackmarks pretty reliably...
(Anyone found a cure for that particular pain?)

As far as the player goes, I've actually got kind of mixed feelings in
some respects.  It is very small and light and I think I only got it to
skip while squashing it between my GPS and some other hard bits in my
tankbag yesterday.  I'm not even sure it *was* skipping; I think I may
have reached the end of the disc. :-)  Some of the things that bug me,
however, are the length of time it takes to jump between tracks (the seek
time seems rather long).  The button interface is less than thorougly
intuitive; labelling tracks is a sufficient pain in the butt that I doubt
I'll bother, unless I can pick up one of those parallel port titlers
cheap.  The other thing that bothers me is that I have yet to find a way
to return to the first track on a disc without repeatedly hitting the <<
button.  Is there a way to do that?

Can someone explain the difference between recording with "sync" on vs.
off?  The recorder automatically locks into sync mode when I plug the
optical lead into the Xitel box.  I can't really figure what that gives
me, but I *do* realize it takes away the option for setting the recording
level myself...

Thanks in advance for any advice you can send my way; this is an awsome


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