
On Sat, Sep 14, 2019 at 8:28 PM Vitaly Davidovich <vita...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Unlike C++, where you can specify mem ordering for failure and success 
> separately, Java doesn’t allow that.  But, the mem ordering is the same for 
> failure/success there.  Unfortunately it doesn’t look like the javadocs 
> mention that,

Unfortunately so.

> but I recall Doug Lea saying that’s the case on the concurrency-interest 
> mailing list (btw that’s probably the more appropriate channel for this 
> Java-centric question).
> For your case, it seems like an AtomicReference<Runnable> is more appropriate.

But then I would have 2 volatile accesses instead of one.

> terminate() sets it, then checks the count via a volatile load (or maybe it 
> can decrement() itself?); if zero, CAS null into the action field to 
> take/claim the action.  decrement() likewise tries to claim the action via a 
> CAS.  The snippet you have now would allow for concurrent action execution, 
> which is likely unsafe/wrong.

I don't see the difference between 2 atomics and my snippet WRT
concurrent execution.
They can both be executed concurrently with arbitrary interleaving, no?

I think my snippet is safe as long as in terminate() there is a
volatile write after setting the action (it is admittedly weird to add
zero just to obtain a memory effect, I could have used
VarHandle.releaseFence() if I were in JDK 11), since the action would
be visible from decrement() because it does a volatile read on the
same variable, no?

Simone Bordet
Finally, no matter how good the architecture and design are,
to deliver bug-free software with optimal performance and reliability,
the implementation technique must be flawless.   Victoria Livschitz

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