Den 28-09-2011 11:40, Pau Garcia i Quiles skrev:

Is this a joke?

Symbian will be dead in 2013. Confirmed by Nokia (Elop). What future is there in Symbian? None at all. Or would you call 1-2 more years with assisted breathing "a future"?

Harmattan is effectively dead now that the N9 has been released. Confirmed by Nokia (Elop). What future is there in Harmattan? None at all. In an exercise of supreme mockery, Nokia decided to officially launch the phone in Uzbekistan!

MeeGo is now dead. Nokia left in Febrary, Intel is leaving now. There are no big players left in MeeGo. No popular phone or tablet. Is there a future in MeeGo? Well, not unless this Tizen thing is just MeeGo on steroids (i. e. MeeGo 2.0 with a fancy new name and an HTML5 framework) or the automotive players start showing up.

The situation with Intel and Nokia is so sad even webOS is a better bet than Symbian, Harmattan, MeeGo and Tizen at the moment!

Nokias primary contribution to the MeeGo project has been Qt and submits to Handset UX (plus delivering the N900/N9/N950 for developers to test on) - Qt is the crucial point here, but most of it has been GPL'ed - you exaggerate the importance of Nokia here (also I suspect quite a few of the contributions from the Nokia developers to be made on the side).

Intel is another matter - since they deliver what has been the primary hardwareplatform - here Intel will go from an active role and into a passive role - their interest is to spread the use of their hardware.

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