On Jul 7, 2010, at 18:51, Dirk Hohndel wrote:

>> I'm not sure that will happen if I will use a community supported
>> meego build on unsupported hardware, but that will happen for sure on
>> debian, gentoo, openembedded etc.
>> That's the reason I'm asking what do you mean for multi platform
>> revolution open new gnu/linux os, and what is your place in the
>> distribution scene.
> The MeeGo open source project needs to decide how to support different
> platforms. One of the contributors to the project, Intel, has decided to
> spend significant resources on supporting its own platforms as well as
> the overall project (and make no mistake - 95+% of what we do is
> platform agnostic and works on AMD, ARM, anyone).
> I find it very weird that we are somehow expected to promise and fund
> full support of competitors' platforms - when did that become the norm
> for being open?
> I repeat, if the MeeGo community wants full support for some AMD or MIPS
> or PPC platform then no one is stopping this. Get those companies to
> donate build resources (as those are currently one of the limiting
> factors) and find the engineers to work on these projects. Intel has
> donated build resources and is funding engineers for its platforms.

This is why MeeGo should not exist and Intel should have contributed to Debian 
from the beginning, before Moblin. In the words of Dan Frye at IBM "Join 
someone else's project, don't start your own."

Debian already builds on MIPS, ARM, IA, PPC, and many more platforms besides. 
Many companies donate machines to the Debian build system and Intel could have 
joined there focusing on their resources on their platform inside Debian. You 
still could have built on the OBS and kept your secret sauce secret, you just 
would have had cross architecture support (along with Debian's quality 
assurance and security services) out of the box. 

This doesn't mean MeeGo isn't "open", it is, its just that it is not as open / 
agnostic as other distros and the community sometimes finds that a hurdle, like 
when they want to port MeeGo.

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