On 07/07/10 00:32, Dirk Hohndel wrote:
Again, the default builds that we provide are optimized for Atom - I
don't think there's anything wrong with that. It's fairly straight
forward to build for other platforms if you need that, but I think it is
not a reasonable request that we shouldn't optimize for our platform.

I think this is one area where people really need to think carefully about whether they have an Intel, Nokia or MeeGo hat on. The "we"s in that sentence are a tad ambiguous.

Clearly when *Intel* ship MeeGo-on-atom it should be polished, focused and optimised.

However, MeeGo makes many claims to be open and inclusive; shouldn't it seek to minimise barriers to entry? Personally I think it should be easy to run it on old and non-Intel hardware; and ideally I think it would be great to fall back to software-rendered GL.

OTOH when you put this in front of journalists/marketing people they'll fire it up, say "this is slow so it sucks", and promptly broadcast their opinion loudly; so I can see some merit in having an optimised solution available :)

So... tough question: is the MeeGo build system optimised for Atom for Intel's benefit or MeeGo's benefit?


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