Em Segunda-feira 27 Setembro 2010, às 14:16:19, Eero Tamminen escreveu:
> > In a nutshell, MTF needs to be a part of Qt with all the implications of
> > more separate governance.
> > <http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/06/03/qt-and-open-governance/>
> I would also assume something like that to happen later on, but I guess
> it also depends on the Symbian side developments to some extent.
> If meegotouch is merged to Qt, it probably means API changes...

There are currently no plans that I am aware of to make MTF part of Qt. In 
order to accomplish that, a couple of other requirements might be imposed on 
the framework, like building on Symbian and other platforms, which would 
probably slow down development at this point.

Unfortunately, from experience, if you don't take cross-platformness into 
account from the beginning, bolting it on top is a lot harder. (Qt's rule of 3 
implementations: the first to implement, the second to correct, the third to 

However, MTF is part of a larger ecosystem of Qt-based solutions that solve 
specific needs, particularly MeeGo's. It's in this spirit that it should be 

Also, given its current use in the development of applications and core 
components, third-parties can rely on its presence.

But I also agree with Sean that it needs to move into an open governance model 
eventually, like I'm driving for Qt. (it's slow-going, but it's going)

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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