On 11/12/2010 4:42 PM, Yung, Winson W wrote:

If there's any way that the WM knows this, let's make sure it sends an event.
Let's even extend EWMH with this event. Then Qt and any other toolkit can send
the appropriate event.

Forget Symbian at this point. People here in MeeGo don't have to worry about

 Can we extend this feature to even notify application that when display is off 
because of S0i3 is enabled due to extended period of user inactivity? We can 
provide driver side support.

[fixed your broken top posting.. please don't top post]

this has NOTHING to do with S0i3, and your sentence is incorrect: the display 
goes off due to extended inactivity and that allows S0i3 to happen
(You got the causality wrong)

yes if the screen is off nothing is visible so that should be using the same 

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