Late last year, in the Architecture meeting, we had agreed to include timed, MCE, Sharing Framework, Non-Graphics-Feedback (NGF), Profiles, and Qt style APIs (QmSystem) identified on the as new technologies into MeeGo. We had hoped that all the documentation and source code would end up well integrated into the 1.2 release of MeeGo.

Recently we have been evaluating these features and feel that these technologies, as integrated into MeeGo, haven't reached the maturity that we want to commit them into MeeGo 1.2 core. (I realize that one can argue over the status of individual pieces, but several belong together, and some of the problems are that the functionality isn't partitioned right, as seen in the MCE discussions on the mailing list

As a result we are proposing to, for MeeGo 1.2, not include these components in the official architecture diagram or the compliance spec since either means a compatibility commitment going forward as well as a requirement for everyone who makes products with the MeeGo brand to include these components. As these things mature going forward, we hope that for MeeGo 1.3 we can put a much more mature policy layer as part
of the core architecture and compliance set.

NOTE: this does not mean that we are removing the packages, it ONLY means that we aren't requiring these components
to be included into each and every product based on MeeGo.

If you agree or disagree with our directions above, please feel free to comment...

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