On Mo, 2011-06-06 at 15:02 +0100, Adrien Bustany wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 13:38:29 +0200, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> > On Mo, 2011-06-06 at 13:34 +0200, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> >> On Mo, 2011-06-06 at 11:55 +0100, Adrien Bustany wrote:
> >> > On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 10:36:22 +0200, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> >> > > On Mo, 2011-06-06 at 08:41 +0100, Dumez, Christophe wrote:
> >> >
> >> > <snip>
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > I believe that QtContact IDs are meant be stable across 
> >> restarts.
> >> > > Syncing based on the QtContacts API relies on that, for example 
> >> (both
> >> > > Buteo and SyncEvolution). We might get away with it with the 
> >> current
> >> > > set
> >> > > of apps using QtContacts, but there is no guarantee that it will 
> >> work
> >> > > with all apps.
> >> >
> >> > QContactId is just manager uri + QContactLocalId. QContactLocalId
> >> > should
> >> > not be stored by programs, because it can change from one run to
> >> > another. For synchronization purposes, you might want to consider 
> >> using
> >> > QContactGuid.
> >> >
> >> > <snip>
> >>
> >> Oh, that's good to know. Thanks for clarifying this. I don't 
> >> remember
> >> where I got the (wrong) idea from. Too much exposure to EDS, I 
> >> suppose,
> >> where the IDs are stable ;-}
> >
> > Hmm, I wonder whether app developers are aware of this. It implies 
> > that
> > passing QContactId between processes is not correct, because these 
> > IDs
> > are only valid inside the process.
> >
> > Connie, how are contacts references inside the MeeGo UX (for things 
> > like
> > "show contact XYZ")? QContactId or QContactGuid?
> Hmm that would still be correct I guess, but you'd have to check with
> the mobility developers... I wouldn't expect the DB to change the ids
> for one same contact from one program to another,

But that's the same situation as above: if QContactLocalId are only
valid during the runtime of a program, or even only while it has the DB
open, then there's no guarantee that QContactLocalId 1 in program A
refers to the same contact in program B.

Michael, can you clarify what the lifetime of QContactLocalId is meant
to be? The documentation is silent on that matter, as far as I know.

> but I wouldn't expect
> the DB to keep local ids valid from one DB session to another (for
> example with Tracker, we sometimes have to rebuild the DB if the schema
> changed → IDs can be invalidated). Also, I'm not totally sure if
> QContactGuid is mandatory, if not it makes things even more tricky :/

I don't know either.

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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