On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 7:40 PM, <quim....@nokia.com> wrote:

> Dave wrote:
> > and at best an improvement (HTML5 vs QML).
> Fwiw QML doesn't stop any HTML5 improvement. In fact it plays perfectly
> well with HTML & Javascript next to its neighbor QtWebKit, and bridges web
> development with native development (if you need it) down to core C/C++. If
> you need additional features not covered that web engine/framework X
> provides, you can add such engine/framework or you can improve/add to the Qt
> web engine/framework.

This is what is important to remember; that Qt and its ecosystem will likely
"just work" on Tizen. But, and this is a big but, will Nokia try and kill Qt
now that it is under Microsoft's boot?

> The strategic reasoning behind HTML5 is understandable: it is a general
> trend. The WAC part makes sense if you have a customer requiring it. Looking
> forward to the announcement of a native SDK and the reasoning behind it.

> And of course looking forward to see the work of the new Tizen stakeholders
> working on the Qt integration. The Qt Project will provide tools for them to
> make Tizen a first class Qt platform if they wish.

If we look at LiMo we can see it supports Qt and GTK+. I think that Tizen
will likely do so as well, if not, it will be trivially to port and I'm sure
Quim is right about tools being available for the work, as well as
developers and documentation. A toolkit is always needed, even if its just
to build browser windows. :-)


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