The only commercially viable mobile platform currently is iOs, and even that is 
a stretch, if you look at the amount of companies actually making a living on 
app revenue.

On 10/3/11 2:57 PM Jeremiah Foster wrote:

On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 1:41 PM, <> wrote:

On Oct 3, 2011, at 1:08 PM, ext Jeremiah Foster wrote:

> This is what is important to remember; that Qt and its ecosystem will likely 
> "just work" on Tizen. But, and this is a big but, will Nokia try and kill Qt 
> now that it is under Microsoft's boot?

Nokia has clearly announced that Qt plays key role in next billion project and 
Nokia continues active Qt development. Nokia has two separate units, "Smart 
devices" that makes N9 and what is moving to MS stuff and then "Mobile phones" 
that currently makes S40 phones and will do this "next billion" project. Next 
billion project will make Qt handsets as mass products to mass markets.

Hmm, that is quite a different story from what I hear from Nokia's marketing 
material. Somewhere there is a disconnect, either Nokia _is_ porting Qt to WP*, 
Nokia will continue with Linux for the next billion, or Nokia will use Symbian. 
Nokia publicly keeps saying the direct opposite of all these options.

I realize you don't speak for Nokia's business plans per se but you can 
understand that developers will be skeptical about certain technologies if they 
aren't commercially viable. Free Software developers have to eat too.

Just some numbers, devices called as smart phones were sold 300M in 2010 but 
all handset market were 1.3 Billion. This 1 billion is not market that Nokia 
can just ignore.

Then why abandon what is likely the best smartphone platform out there right 
now? I.e. N9?



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