On Oct 3, 2011, at 1:08 PM, ext Jeremiah Foster wrote:

> This is what is important to remember; that Qt and its ecosystem will likely 
> "just work" on Tizen. But, and this is a big but, will Nokia try and kill Qt 
> now that it is under Microsoft's boot?

Nokia has clearly announced that Qt plays key role in next billion project and 
Nokia continues active Qt development. Nokia has two separate units, "Smart 
devices" that makes N9 and what is moving to MS stuff and then "Mobile phones" 
that currently makes S40 phones and will do this "next billion" project. Next 
billion project will make Qt handsets as mass products to mass markets. 

Just some numbers, devices called as smart phones were sold 300M in 2010 but 
all handset market were 1.3 Billion. This 1 billion is not market that Nokia 
can just ignore.

Qt itself is FOSS, Nokia can't kill it and it does not have reason to do it. 
From application developers point of view, Qt will be there event what ever 
happens and what ever will be platform running it called, Maemo, MeeGo, 
Symbian, Android, "Next billion" or Tizen.


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