Hi Shane,

Michael and Arun, others who care...

I have pushed Michaels patchset to a new public branch called
"topic/headless", and am requesting that you guys coordinate your
respective work towards the eventual merge into master on this branch.

For others that have been waiting (alterego for one) this is where you
can start basing future new features, espcially UI related changes, as
this branch will be the most likely place what Views will begin to be
teased apart from the models and controller.

Depending on how drastic or dynamic any new UI work turns out to be, I
*may* start a new topic branch for UI changes, stay tuned.


The latest code is using applifed, and not launcher (applauncherd). Any reasons?

I took the branch, but had to make a few changes to make make it work in N900.

1) the dialer.desktop file changes as described in the README.txt are not working. I had to comment X-Osso-Service=com.meego.dialer, to make it work from the application launcher (desk/home screen)

2) /etc/prestart/nokia.conf needed the following to start the dialer automatically.
<application name="dialer" service="com.meego.dialer" priority="5" />

3) With pre-started dialer, i could never receive incoming call, as no alert dialog is shown. I am still investigating to see what is the issue.


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