Hi Shane/Michael,

Hi Michael,

See inline

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Shane Bryan
<shane.br...@linux.intel.com>  wrote:
On Tue, 22 Mar 2011 17:04:04 +0200
Arun Ravindran<ext-arun.1.ravind...@nokia.com>  wrote:

1) the dialer.desktop file changes as described in the README.txt are
not working.  I had to comment
X-Osso-Service=com.meego.dialer, to make it work from the application
launcher (desk/home screen)
Micheal, ideas on this?  I thought you showed it was working, but maybe
I didn't get all the patches merged?
I do not know what the difference is here. But I need to have the
X-Osso-Service=com.meego.dialer defined or it will not launch. There must
be some stale bits in my netbook configuration or possibly something
has changed in the new image

For N900, it started launching after commenting that line.
3) With pre-started dialer, i could never receive incoming call, as
no alert dialog is shown. I am still investigating to see what is the
Michael, any comments on this one too?
It was working but now I too am not getting the call notification..
However interestingly I do get the missed call status notification

I think there is issue with callmanager status. it seems it is still not connected. From the logs, it looks like callManagerConnected() is never called and so no handler is available to handle incoming calls.

I found that manager proxy's proxyAvail() is emitted before dialerapplication is connected to this signal and hence there is no incoming call indication. But history proxy has no such dependency and so you could see the missed call notifications.


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