> Here is our current setup:
> webserver1 (also runs session memcache server)
> webserver2 (also runs session memcache server)
> database (specialized memcache storage for data caching)
> We are not really a high loaded site, at peak time only about 1500
> users online together. Network is not really saturated, as not much
> data being transferred I believe.
> Here is the phpinfo() part for sessions:
> session.auto_start    Off     Off
> session.bug_compat_42 On      On
> session.bug_compat_warn       On      On
> session.cache_expire  180     180
> session.cache_limiter nocache nocache
> session.cookie_domain no value        no value
> session.cookie_httponly       Off     Off
> session.cookie_lifetime       0       0
> session.cookie_path   /       /
> session.cookie_secure Off     Off
> session.entropy_file  no value        no value
> session.entropy_length        0       0
> session.gc_divisor    100     100
> session.gc_maxlifetime        1440    1440
> session.gc_probability        0       0
> session.hash_bits_per_character       4       4
> session.hash_function 0       0
> session.name  PHPSESSID       PHPSESSID
> session.referer_check no value        no value
> session.save_handler  memcache        memcache
> session.save_path     tcp://,tcp://
> tcp://,tcp://
> session.serialize_handler     php     php
> session.use_cookies   On      On
> session.use_only_cookies      Off     Off
> session.use_trans_sid 0       0
> And yes, we use PECL memcache extension.

Can you paste the output of 'stats' against both of your memcached
servers? Is your configuration identical on both servers? How have you
been calculating the miss rate?

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