>From the looks of it, you're not evicting anything. Which means memcached
isn't forgetting about anything you're telling it. For some other reason
your sessions are not being found.

>From your description of the problem (sometimes logged in, sometimes not),
along with the high miss rate on memcached, tells me that something else
is wrong with your configuration.

I know you've been asked this before, but:

- Can you quadruple check that both webservers have *identical
configurations*. Both webservers list both memcached servers as the same
IPs, in the same order. If they're incorrect, if a user hits webserver1,
then webserver2, then webserver1, that would end up having them flip
between memcached's.

- Have you combed your error logs? Are you handling errors from your
client? It's possible that memcached or your client are throwing errors
and you're not noticing, or that it's failing to contact one server
sometimes and is then contacting the other.

- Have you tried enabling persistent connections from php? There should be
an option for it. You have a high rate of new connections and switching to
persistent can reduce those symptoms (such as firewalls, running out of
local ports, etc).

- Your software is very old. Memcached is very old and I'm going to guess
that your pecl/memcached library is also very old. You're missing a lot of
counters and bug fixes that would help diagnose (or outright fix) issues
like this. Would you consider upgrading to the latest non-betas?

On Sat, 13 Mar 2010, TheOnly92 wrote:

> Webserver1: http://paste2.org/p/715491
> Webserver2: http://paste2.org/p/715492
> Situation:
> 1. User logs in.
> 2. User clicks somewhere (still logged in)
> 3. User clicks on another placed and gets redirected to the home page
> (appears logged out for this page)
> 4. Refreshes and able to access the page again (logged in).
> On Mar 13, 1:35 pm, dormando <dorma...@rydia.net> wrote:
> > Can you telnet to the instances, type "stats", "stats items", and "stats
> > slabs", then copy/paste all that into pastebin?
> >
> > echo "stats" | nc host 11211 >> stats.txt works too
> >
> > You version is very old... It's missing many statistical counters that
> > could help us diagnose a problem. The extendedstats isn't printing an
> > evictions counter, but I can't remember if that version even had one.
> >
> > Can you describe your problem in more detail? If I recall:
> >
> > - User logs in.
> > - Clicks somewhere. now they're logged out?
> > - They click somewhere else, and they're logged in again? Does this mean
> > they found their original session again, or did you app log them in again?
> >
> > -Dormando
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 12 Mar 2010, TheOnly92 wrote:
> > > I'm retrieving statistics via Memcache::extendedStats function, here
> > > are the basics:
> >
> > > Session Server 1
> > > Version    1.2.2
> > > Uptime     398,954 sec
> > > Cache Hits 2,065,061
> > > Cache Misses       987,726 (47.83%)
> > > Current Items      381,928
> > > Data Read  4,318,055.02 KB
> > > Data Written       2,011,004.09 KB
> > > Current Storage    100,688.96 KB
> > > Maximum Storage    256.00 MB
> > > Current Connections        9
> > > Total Connections  5,278,414
> > > Session Server 2
> > > Version    1.2.2
> > > Uptime     398,943 sec
> > > Cache Hits 2,225,697
> > > Cache Misses       987,733 (44.38%)
> > > Current Items      381,919
> > > Data Read  4,323,893.05 KB
> > > Data Written       2,159,309.95 KB
> > > Current Storage    100,685.52 KB
> > > Maximum Storage    256.00 MB
> > > Current Connections        11
> > > Total Connections  5,278,282
> >
> > > We are absolutely sure that both webservers are able to access the
> > > memcache server instances, we selected memcache because it was an easy
> > > configuration and setup without any changes of source code required,
> > > not to think that it is "absolutely" reliable. We just need to make
> > > sure that it works most of the time, but current situation is just
> > > unacceptable.

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