AFAIK, since version 1.4.14, the max size of a Memcached object is 500MB.

See more details here:!topic/memcached/MOfjAseECrU

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Nadav Har Tzvi <> wrote:

> Hello there,
> Let me just start this topic by stating that I do know of the 1 MB item
> size limitation in memcached and the reasons for why it is so.
> However I am faced here with a dilema. As part of a web service, I have to
> return a bit large JSON object that includes base64 encoded images in it
> (thus the large size).
> The average JSON object size should be somewhere between 1.2 MB to 2MB max.
> In order to boost the whole deal, I decided to cache those items (Server
> has more than enough memory) and grant access from Nginx to reduce the load
> on the service and provide quicker responses.
> So my question is this, should I go for increasing memcached item size or
> is there any other solution to bypass this problem? Searching google didn't
> provide any good results, maybe you have any idea of how to deal with this?
> Thanks.


Yiftach Shoolman

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