> > Here are more details on these perftests with charts
> > - https://github.com/valyala/ybc/wiki/Creating-scalable-memcache-client-
> > in-Go . These charts show that go-memcached becomes faster than the
> > original memcached in all tests with more than 32 concurrent workers.
>   This is interesting.  The numbers seem to be a little off of what we'd
> expect given previous tests, but looks like you've given enough
> information here for people to understand it.  dormando's got tests
> that drive the server quite a bit hardr, but I'm not sure how it scales
> across different hardware.

Older versions can do a few million fetches/sec, newest version was doing
11 million on some decent hardware and had much better thread scalability.
See the list archives and mc-crusher on my github page. Your numbers are
pretty good for a Go thing though? Maybe mc-crusher can push it harder,

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