Aliaksandr Valialkin <> writes:

> Try go-memcached - fast memcached server written in Go. It can cache
> objects with up to 2Gb sizes. It also has no 250 byte limit on key
> sizes.

  Your description sounds like you've written something very much unlike

> According to my performance tests on Ubuntu 12.04 x64, go-memcached's
> speed is comparable to the original memcached.

  Can you publish anything in more detail?  Calling it "fast" with the
feature list you have seems quite misleading.  It can't be both.

  There are really good reasons to avoid caching items over 1MB or so
(depending on your network topology).  It stops becoming a cache at some
point and becomes a file server with entirely different semantics.  You
no longer get to measure object retrieval latency in microseconds, for


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