All the Mercedes diesels that use parallel plugs and have a fuse use the
same 80 A fuse whether there are 4, 5 or 6 plugs. All of the plugs have
identical electrical requirements - a 12V supply (that will drop to 11V
or a little less when the plugs are first energized because of the high
current and the voltage drop across the battery itself and the
connecting wires). Initial current for each plug should exceed 20 A for
the first few milliseconds but will quickly drop to less than 15 A and
by 20-30 sec should drop to 8-10A. Shorted plugs are possible (I've only
heard of a few) but shorted wiring is MUCH more common (wires pinched to
the clips, bracket or intake manifold or terminals rotated so they touch
something they shouldn't). When plugs fail, they much more commonly
open, not short. The resistance of every good Bosch or Beru parallel
plug I've ever seen was 0.6 ohms when at ambient temperatures. There is
a TINY chance that a plug could measure 0.6 ohms but short (and the
resistance drop) as it heated up.

Marshall Booth Ph.D. 
Ass't Prof. (ret.)
Univ of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Pharmacology  1300 BST
Pittsburgh PA 15261 USA

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