Not sure what your point is, but you need to work on your facts a bit.  My
military experience spans 34 years, and I worked on all sides of the
procurement and acquisition areas at one time or another.

There are actually several types of contracts that the government uses, only
one of which is low bid.  Low bid is not used on anywhere near all
government contracts.  Many military contracts (especially large, long term
construction jobs) are done on firm fixed price or cost plus.  It all
depends on who is willing to take the contract business risk.  I won't deny
that there have been abuses, but the $100 screwdriver is more likely the
result of accounting issues and stupid contract management than anything

In the mid 90s, the military got into outsourcing in a big way, figuring
that paying a soldier to cook meals and clean latrines instead of carrying a
rifle and shooting bad guys was not a good use of the taxpayers' dollars.
There were a number of multi-year blanket contracts done (and oh, by the the low bidder...) and Kellogg Brown and Root (which is a
subsidiary of Halliburton), won several of those contracts.  KBR didn't have
to bid on the contract in Iraq...they were already under contract since
Clinton's war in Bosnia.  In fact, Brown and Root has done many of the same
kinds of services for the military since at least the 1960's.  A lot of the
bases in Vietnam were built by B&R which later merged with M.W. Kellogg, and
was later acquired by Halliburton.  It should also be pointed out that all
of these folks have done this type of work for civilian companies and
government organizations around the world for many, many years.  If you need
something built in a bad place, there are only a few companies willing to
take the risk to do it.  KBR is one of them, and anyone who has worked with
them will tell you they do damn good work and they earn every penny.

As far as the hummer goes, the vehicle was not designed to be an armored
vehicle.  Like the (unarmored) jeep it replaced, it was a vehicle for moving
people and light equipment.  Historically, vehicles used for transport were
not armored.  If you needed armor, you used a tank or a Bradley.  In Iraq
and Afghanistan, the bad guys started using IEDs to target our guys who were
driving around in hummers.  Like soldiers and Marines have always done, the
grunts figured out how to carry bigger guns and armor their hummers.  Like
Rumsfeld said, we had a project to add armor to every vehicle that needed
it, but it can't be done overnight.  The question asked by the soldier in
the press conference in Iraq was the result of prodding by a scumbag
reporter, who then proceeded to report on only part of Rumsfeld's answer and
make it sound like he didn't care.

The internet is full of information.  Why don't you try finding out what the
real facts are instead of just repeating urban legends?  and...I AM PROUD to
be an American, PROUD of what I accomplished in 34 years in the Navy, and
extremely thankful for the young men and women who have picked up that
responsibility to protect and defend our freedom from those who would take
it from us.

Royce Engler
1985 300TD Turbo 265K

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bill Gallagher
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 12:50 AM
To: Mercedes mailing list
Subject: Re: [MBZ] Re: price of diesel...interesting theory...

Keep in mind bids on governments contracts for over 50 years, except for
Iraq, the low reasonable bid wins the contract .... do not expect the
best quality or performance ..... expect close to but above junk quality
so the contractor will supply replacement part at high prices like the
$100.00 dollar screw driver not to mention the $20.00 dollar bolt which
both can be purchased for under 20 at True Value ..... God Bless the
Private Contractors of America .... They deserve to take advantage of
the situation .... It's the American Way like Halabertion ...... the
Medical Industry does the same, 50 dollars for aspirin and the list goes
on ....See what lack of enforcement does to quality ???? Just recalling
my military experience far, far, ago ....
    Look at the hummer, no type of protection, or armor shield, high
rate of damage... Recall the solder asking Rumsfelt about the Hummer
????  Or the company retrofitting hummers can do more than the contract
calls for ?????    like the Sherman tank against the German Tiger.... no
match, a sure kill ..... lots of solders die until the late 1950's until
the new design ,,,,,,, Beware of the Military Industrial Complex -
President Ike .....  and today is support our solders ..... with near
junk equipment ..... do you feel proud to be a A  ????

1981 300 TD

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