Royce Engler wrote:
> Nice try.  That was when the contract was renewed.  First contract was done
> in the mid 90s, and was done on Clinton's watch.  Not that that makes a
> whole lot of difference, except that it seems that the libs wanted to make a
> big deal out of the fact that it was "no bid" and somehow smear Dick Cheney
> with it.

That's because when a company with close ties to the administration gets
a sweetheart deal, it's hard to get it to pass the smell test.  I'm not
saying that anything untoward's just that the way they
handled it looked mighty fishy.  I think it's interesting that the same
people who insisted on investigating a failed, 20-year-old land deal in
Arkansas figured there was nothing worth looking at here.

Incidentally, the existence of "cost plus" contracts in general amazes
me.  That sounds like a hell of a deal.  No matter how inefficient you
are, you're guaranteed a profit.  Wish the company I work for could get
a piece of that.  If we screw up and under-bid, we lose money!  Guess
it's all about who you know, huh?

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