Gabriel S wrote:


"the 124 gets good fuel economy for weighing close to 5,000lbs, but
35mpg is insane...i never get that much, and if im pushing it, forget


The real truth -


Not only is it not insane to get this kind of mileage, but the 124 does
not weigh anything close to 5,000 lbs. My 124, a 1990 300D 2.5 247K,
will get 35 mpg.  It just did on a long trip that I took. On a trip
where I was really pushing it lost of turnpike time at 80-85. I averaged
over 1000 miles 33mpg. The 1990's 124 with the 2.5 get significantly
better mileage then the other 124's.  In fact, the best performing
Mercedes Diesels (in terms of mileage) have the 2.5. I am talking about
the 190D 2.5. Those cars are widely reported to get 40-45 with a manual.


Donald H. Snook

McDonald, Tinker, Skaer, Quinn & Herrington, P.A. 

300 West Douglas

P.O. Box 207

Wichita, Kansas 67201 0207

Tel. (316) 263-5851

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