Best off to just pay the thing, question is did you miss the sign or was the sign that badly vandalized that any reasonable person would not be able to make out what it was. What is the basis of your challenge? That there was only one partially obscured sign? You have to consider that a court will not go against an officer of the law unless you can absolutely prove that the issuing of the ticket was wrong. Can you do this? I recently got a red light running ticket in my truck, situation was that a bus had partially pulled into my lane whilst wanting to turn at the traffic lights, there was a car to my left and I was busy watching my mirrors and the bus to see how far over I could go, in order to not hit the car or bus. By the time I saw that the lights where just about to turn red it was too late to safely stop. I could go to court and explain the circumstances but the court would most likely say that given my experience I should have done better and stopped the truck if it was unsafe to proceed.


Allan Streib wrote:
Got my first speeding ticket tonight, 35 in a 20.  I thought I was on an
unposted stretch of road, which in town would default to a 30 limit.  I
cant prove I was not going 35 but seems a stretch given the road.  It's
a very twisty road through a wooded area with a park.

Based on the presence of the park the limit is 20.  I did not recall
seeing any signage to this effect so I drove back over my route and
found ONE 20 mph sign but it was partially obscured by spray paint

Thinking of contesting the ticket.  I'm going back in the morning to
take photos of the sign and document the lack of any "PARK ZONE" or
additional speed limit signs.  Anyone have a feeling whether a judge
would dismiss this at a bench trial?


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