I have heard and had personal experience when changing over to MOBIL1 in an engine that was origionally run on dino that after a while it leaks. There is something missing in the oil to swell the gaskets, or something like that. Not that I don't swear by MOBIL 1, My engines seem to last forever on the stuff and I love it. I wish I could get it to stop leaking though. Anybody else hear of this?

Mobil 1 HAS in it an additive that will stop modest leaks (that were caused by conventional oil swelling the original seals and wear reducing the material). Most owners that have small leaks and switch to M-1 find that after several changes, the leaks seal or are at least diminished. If you have holes that are plugged by sludge or combustion residue, the M-1 will dissolve them and the leak MAY commence, but only because the ALREADY damaged or improperly sealed engine has been cleaned.

An engine that's not maintained or one that's abused (and overfilling with oil or frequently topping up the oil BEFORE it reaches the ADD mark IS abuse) will start to leak no matter what oil is in it. If it started leaking after you changed to M-1, who's to say it wouldn't have started leaking had you NOT changed - it wasn't just time to start leaking?

WHERE is it leaking? The first step it to identify the precise location and cause of the leak. Once you know where and why the leak you repair it!

Marshall Booth Ph.D.
Ass't Prof. (ret.)
Univ of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Pharmacology  1300 BST
Pittsburgh PA 15261 USA

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