You will  find other possible solutions  out there if you look.

I remember external strip heaters were avaliable in the 70's. The fellow who parked beside me had one on a Honda Accord in about 1978. I remember him cleaning it off in the summer as some oil had got on it and it smoked when hot.

There are also magnetic heaters that you might be able to temporarily use by sticking them onto the side of the block or onto the oilpan from underneath. Would need to be removed when you drive it.

Even hanging a trouble light under the hood with the light on will produce enough heat to help.

Or there are electric battery blankets that will help by keeping the starter spinning faster.

All temporary solutions until you are able to install the proper thing once the weather warms enough to make it easier.


On 15/12/2010 10:27 AM, Chris N John wrote:
Hi, everyone
We too are having issues with our car starting this winter (1980 300 SD). Hubbie put about 4 different hose heaters on it last winter. The last one finally worked once or twice. (We won't mention the local car parts store) We tried it again in November and it seemed to be doing fine and then the morning we had appointments to keep 80 miles away and temp was -20, guess what? Yep-- it didn't work at all. We made it to appointments, but used up our "easy" travel margin of time for sure!! So, my question is: the block heaters sound more dependable and efficient but hubbie is concerned about problems installing in the old car. He thinks it will be hard to seal up after removing the old plug, which seems to be another big concern, too. Any feedback from you experts? Should we keep trying the hose heaters, and is there one that really works long term?? Thanks for advice! Wishing you all a Wonderful Christmas Season and a Great New Year to come, Christy
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