I had a similar but not identical problem with my 116 SD. My suggestions are
strictly seat o' the pants YMMV, etc.

First, are you certain there is no air getting into the system, for example
is your primer pump in good shape (and does it screw-lock into position
after use, if it's the old style)? This can cause the behaviour you
describe, tho why it would go away when warm baffles the hell out of me.

As to adjusting the idle, my *understanding* of how the idle control works
on the turbodiesels, is that the idle adjustment (the screw on the engine
side of the pump) has to be adjusted in harmony with the rack damper bolt at
the rear end of the pump. I had a devil of a time to get my ex-Kaleb 126 SD
to behave at idle, and it took two or three tries experimenting with
different idle speeds/bolt adjustments to get it just right.

Your indy may not want to touch that bolt. Hell, he may not even know what
it is.



> Two problems with the SD re: idle:
> 1. When engine is cold (not ambient brrrrrr cold, just room temp, but worse
> when truly COLD) it idles fine BUT as soon as I put it in reverse (or turn on
> the A/C in hot weather), the idle drops and the car usually stalls. Will stall
> at about 450 RPM.
> 2. Let's say we start the car and no reverse or A/C is needed, the idle is
> fine...we drive 1-3 miles. Come to a stop and the idle is PULSATING between,
> say, 550-700 or so...just revving between those two engine speeds,
> rhytmiically, on its own. I would say 1 complete rev cycle per 1.5 seconds.
> 3. Drive it a bit more, get the engine hot and the rhythmic idle goes away as
> does the reverse stall problem.
> Took to my Indy today. He said, "Adjust Idle". OK. It was cold (engine and 0
> degrees C out), car starts, put in reverse, get halwayt out of the parking
> spot - STALL. Drive a few miles to my friend's house, park it and lo and
> behold, the rythmic idle rec described above.
> Obviously something other than idle adjust needs done. Is there some GIZMO
> that controls idle when a load is put on (A/C, reverse (no acceleration in
> reverse, just reverse and idle backwards (down hill - still stalls!))) and/or
> would also cause the rhythmic idling?
> Please help! Have had idle adjusted twice (with no effect) and I have no idea
> what the problem is. Would like to get some list opinions to take with me when
> I go back to my Indy tomorrow.
> Thanks a million,
> Chris

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