Unicom frequency, all small airports have sort of a "CB" freq you just get on and announce what you are up to. Others are supposed to listen and do the same. Supposed to.

I had a fun afternoon, I believe I had related before, wherein the Air Guard F-100s were practicing IFR in the pattern. I was doing touch and goes with my instructor, and announcing properly under tower control. We were at 1600ft where we were supposed to be. I hear the tower tell an F-100 flight "your traffic is 12 o'clock 1 mile at 1200 you will pass over at 400." My instructor was about 3 milliseconds faster than I was and yanked the throttle back and shoved the wheel into the dash, and a few seconds later 2 F-100s passed over us, right over us, close enough to see the rivets.

We were both rattled and after getting the airplane under control I asked what that was about, meaning the tower FU, and he said "we almost scraped some paint." Uh, yeah. I landed the airplane with no further conversation and as we were taxiing past the terminal building where the tower was, he says "stop here" so I did and he jumps out without a word and was making a very purposeful line toward the building. Hmmm. so I went on over to the ramp and parked the airplane and got it sorted, he shows up about 10min later, still red and very angry. He tells me he chewed out the controllers something fierce, they were clueless as to what had happened. Back then you could just go up to the tower, I used to do that occasionally. I don't think there was ever any sort of incident report made, but it would have been a serious CF, like fatally serious for 3 airplanes and 4 people, had we both not been paying close attention to the radio.

I was 16 at the time, still a bit away from getting my license and had not even been driving that long, that put the fear into me about flying airplanes and paying very very close attention to everything going on around -- situational awareness as he called it. It was a good lesson about a lot of things.


On 8/12/12 8:15 PM, Allan Streib wrote:
Our local airport is only staffed part-time.  If you are landing at
night and there's nobody in the tower, you double-click your mic on a
particular frequency and the landing lights switch on.  I don't know how
planes coordinate landing at unmanned airfields, but I assume there's a


OK Don <> writes:

At least there was a tower involved, to some degree. After dropping the
glider I was heading to the runway as fast a possible to get ready for the
next tow - full flaps in the 150/150. Looked down to see a Cherokee landing
under me. He never announced on the unicom, nothng, just zoomed under and
landed. I had no idea that a 150/150 could climb that fast when full
throttle was applied with full flaps! Didin't have to change my pants
afterwards, but it was close.

On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Rich Thomas <> wrote:

When I was flying small airplanes this was an experience one Sunday

Inbound control:  26N contact tower on nnn
ME:  Fort Wayne tower 26N is with you downwind for 22
Tower:  26N you are cleared to land advise turning final
ME:  clickclick
A few seconds later
United 727 inbound:  Tower United xx with you inbound for 22
Tower:  United you are cleared to land 22
ME (a bit later): 26N turning final for 22
Tower (a few seconds later, somewhat anxious):   United xx go around for
traffic on short final repeat go around please
United xx (pilot sounding REALLY pissed):  Roger tower United xx going
around for 22
Tower:  26N please advise when clearing the runway and contact ground on


On 8/12/12 1:52 PM, WILTON wrote:

'Reminds me:  SWMBO and I flew a 150 into Mackinac Island, MI, one Sunday
for lunch at the Grand Hotel; joined right in the pattern, etc., with the
Citations, etc., ('course, coupla of 'em had to go around while I landed
and got out of the way).

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