That is pretty funny.


On 8/12/12 9:59 PM, Russ Williams wrote:
Back in 1980 I was working for a company out of Pearland, Tx.
Four days prior to this I had just taken delivery of our 4th and last Sikorsky S-76. And flown it from the Sikorsky Delivery facility in West Palm Beach to Pearland. During the flight from NEW to Pear "George" (Auto Pilot) would kick off line. Reported Problem to maint. They fixed George so Chief Pilot and myself took it for a shakedown flight. We decide to shoot the ILS @ HOU (Houston Hobby) with George
doing the flying. Contacted HOU Approach and requested the approach.
They sandwich us in between 2 Continental DC9's.
#2 Decides that He didn't want a Lowly helicopter in front of him on "His" approach
and tells Approach the fact. Here's the Dialog between them.
Cont: Hobby Approach Cont. XXXX
HOU: Cont XXXX Hobby
Cont: Understand there is a Helicopter ahead of us?
HOU: Roger that
Cont: Request that Helicopter be rerouted so he's behind us. Don't want to have
          to shoot a Go Around because of him.
Hou: Cont XXXX That won't be a problem. In fact your company better get the lead out
          I have him at 130 Kts and the Helio at 145.
Cont: WHAT!!!!!!!
We had George coupled to the ILS and had about 90% torque applied.
Cont # 1 landed as we hit the Middle Marker.
I requested a low pass instead of our regular break off at the Inner Marker.
Hobby Twr says Go for It. Set George to level out at 50'.
As we went down the the Runway at 140 kts Cont #1, who was taxing to the term
was hear to say "WHAT in the Hell kind was that!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Twr reply was  A FAST ONE.
Chief Pilot and I were laughing our head off.
Never had any problems for the Airline Drivers at Hobby again.

Russ W.

On 8/12/2012 13:23, Rich Thomas wrote:
When I was flying small airplanes this was an experience one Sunday afternoon:

Inbound control:  26N contact tower on nnn
ME:  Fort Wayne tower 26N is with you downwind for 22
Tower:  26N you are cleared to land advise turning final
ME:  clickclick
A few seconds later
United 727 inbound:  Tower United xx with you inbound for 22
Tower:  United you are cleared to land 22
ME (a bit later): 26N turning final for 22
Tower (a few seconds later, somewhat anxious): United xx go around for traffic on short final repeat go around please United xx (pilot sounding REALLY pissed): Roger tower United xx going around for 22 Tower: 26N please advise when clearing the runway and contact ground on ....


On 8/12/12 1:52 PM, WILTON wrote:
'Reminds me: SWMBO and I flew a 150 into Mackinac Island, MI, one Sunday for lunch at the Grand Hotel; joined right in the pattern, etc., with the Citations, etc., ('course, coupla of 'em had to go around while I landed and got out of the way).

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