So, the gist of all this is:

What would you haul with in terms of spare parts etc.?
I believe much is still available for these old cars without too much searching so if I do have an issue on the road, I assume it could be addressed reasonably quickly.

We would go south into the USA and then east through to Duluth and then east again through Northern Michigan and cross into Southern Ontario at Sault St Marie most likely and then run east to Ottawa.

Would be probably 3 days each way of about 400 miles per day.


In addition to the obvious, check the flex disks and carrier bearing carefully. replace the flex disks if there is cracking or tears. Check/change Diff grease and trans fluid prior to the start. Carry an extra set of fuel filters, and possibly a fan belt. Check the alt brushes, or just replace the brush/regulator pack.

Check the jack, spare, toolkit.

IF you are not sure about brake pads, check them too.

Drain and refill the brakes with DOT 4 fluid unless you have or want to change to DOT 5. BEWARE there is a new DOT5e or something like that that is out, and it is NOT DOT5 and it is NOT compatible with DOT5.

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